إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

All freelancers, students and companies; artists, businessmen and scientists:

Are you looking for one or more connections to help realise your idea or
project(s), to strengthen your team with the right knowledge and expertise?

Do you also no longer wish to attend unnecessary networking events without
establishing effective connections?

Have you also been waiting endlessly for a platform that does not take away
your productivi-time (#wordplay) of that long scrolling through a mountain of
content which has nothing to do with your professional interests or goals?

Then Younite is THE solution for you!

Younite is THE app that brings together freelancers, students and
entrepreneurs - artists, businessmen and scientists alike - to post projects,
build the right communities and collaborate by sharing knowledge and
expertise. Because together we can take on the world!

Younite gives you the opportunity to:
* Create projects and posts, and describe the necessary detailing about the
* Apply to projects yourself or recruit applicants who best suit your
professional needs.
* Group your connections together in circles (network groups), which allow
you to filter your project feed with each others projects.
* Follow up on notifications from applicants, with the necessary and light
overview of their knowledge and expertise.
* Create your own profile and digital portfolio, where you can market yourself
to project organizers in an original and visual way.
* Younite does not let you as a user point out the connections or projects
yourself, it points the right connections and projects for you to you!

In all our features we provide:
* Focus on time efficiency, productivity and matching.
* Various registration options, and specific matching through the Younite
matching system made in heaven.
* A handy overview of the skills, experience, education and other relevant
information of users and yourself.
* Various contact details made available by the user himself. Privacy is our
standard goal here.

There is something for everyones professional wishes!

Younite is currently available in English and Dutch.

Follow us on instagram @youniteapp and Facebook @youniteapp2020 to stay
up-to-date on new features, motivational quotes and walkthrough content.

The Younite team wishes you plenty of co-operational fun!